a summer camp for girls
Contact me about availability!
building confidence and open-mindedness through artistic expression and creative thinking.

About The camp

Aunt Sassy’s School of Art (& French)

Aunt Sassy’s School of Art is an after school art program that caters to girls ages 6-15. Each class has a focus that centers around the theme of self exploration, confidence, and open-mindedness. We explore a variety of mediums to learn the fundamental building blocks of making art and the craftsmanship needed for each. We also explore art history, contemporary art, and the French language/culture and how it relates to the projects we create.

Months: September, October (Nov/Dec TBD)
Monday: Angsty Artists (ages 11-15) 3:45pm-5:45pm
Thursday: Petite Artistes (ages 6-10) 3:45pm-5:45pm
Cost: $20 per CLASS
• Each Month's session consists of 4 Classes
• snack & supplies included
• transportation services are available on Thursday from WVL Elementary for an extra charge of $5 a week.

Some subjects we'll explore:
  • Drawing: Learning how to compose a drawing with perspective, or construct an object within a space throughout the application of contour lines, texture and shading.
  • Painting: Building from the fundamentals of drawing, exploringing contrast and value while mixing colors. We'll dive deep into composition, perspective, and negative space.
  • Sculpture: We'll study a variety of sculpture methods such as assemblage and modeling.  Students will use a variety of materials such as plaster, clay, foam, glass, foam-board, cardboard and other found objects.
  • Textile Art: With a focus on dyeing and printing on fabrics to add color and pattern using tie-dyeing and batik techniques.
  • Jewelry Making: Contructing wearable art that includes bent wire, beads, fibers, along with paint and dyes to embellish a variety of creations.
  • Graphic Design: Exploration of the principles of design like pattern, emphasis, balance, harmony, and movement along with the elements of design like line, shape, form, texture and value, along with
What to bring to class:

Water bottle, face mask, clothes that can get dirty, and a snack (if you think your child might not like what is provided). I cannot offer students options for snacks each day. What I provide that day will be the only option and each child will get the same amount, no more and no less.

There is a “carline” system

(Please be prompt as we will all be at the top of the driveway at this time)
Drop off time: 3:45. Pick up: 5:45. If you are running late please text me. Please drive beyond our driveway and turn your car around at the dead end at Tracy Lane.  Come back towards our house and pull up alongside our driveway. I will safely load and unload your child! See diagram below.

Let me know if you are not okay with your child experimenting with:

Sugary treats
Nail polish
Temporary tattoos
(no face tats)
Hair chalk

Tree forts
Nature trails
Water balloons
Spray paint (while masked)

Methods of Payment

Payment is due by the first day of camp.
I accept: Venmo (Sarah-Hunter-69)
PayPal (sarahnixhunter@gmail.com)
Check: Sarah Hunter


Please let me know if your child has any allergies or things you do not want your child to eat! I occasionally post images of my art kids on social media making cool things, if you would prefer not to have your child in any photos, please let me know!

Aunt Sassy’s Art Camp

Students will work diligently and continuously on art projects throughout the week. I like teaching kids how to slow down and look at each project as a process. You may not see any finished art pieces until the end of the week because of this approach. We will also do “less serious” art lessons in the afternoons.

Ages: 6-13
Time: 9:00Am - 3:00PM
WEEK 1 (Taylor Swift Themed!)
Dates: July 1 - July 4 (Short Week)
Days: Monday – Thursday
Cost: $240 per Week
Dates: July 29 - August 2
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300 ($250 2nd sibling)
Dates: August 5 - August 9
Days: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300 ($250 2nd sibling)
There is a “carline” system

(Please be prompt as we will all be at the top of the driveway at this time)
Drop off time: 9:00-9:10 and Pick up: 2:50-3:00. Please drive beyond our driveway and turn your car around there at the dead end at Tracy Lane.  Come back towards our house and pull up alongside our driveway. I will safely load and unload your child! If you are running late please text me.

What to bring to camp:

Water bottle, lunch, clothes that can get dirty, and a snack. We also LOVE snack donations if your child would like to bring a snack to share with others at camp! I cannot offer campers extra food so I recommend packing more food just in case!

Let me know if you are not okay with your child experimenting with:

Sugary treats
Nail polish
Temporary tattoos
(no face tats)
Hair chalk

Tree forts
Nature trails
Water balloons
Spray paint (while masked)

General schedule:

9:00-9:10 carline
9:10-12:00 art (snack 10:30ish)
12:00-12:15 lunch
12:15-12:45 freeplay
12:45-2:30 more art
2:30-2:50 clean up
2:50-3:00 carline


Please let me know if your child has any allergies or things you do not want your child to eat!

I occasionally post images of my art kids on social media making cool things, if you would prefer not to have your child in any photos, please let me know!

Methods of Payment

Payment is due by the first day of camp.
I accept: Venmo (Sarah-Hunter-69)
PayPal (sarahnixhunter@gmail.com)
Check: Sarah Hunter

One child: $300
Two children: $550

About Aunt Sassy


Aunt Sassy is the alter-ego of Sarah Nix Hunter.  Aunt Sassy is fun and crazy but Sarah keeps her grounded.  Sarah received her Bachelor of Arts from Guilford College in 2001 with a concentration in photography and painting and a minor in French. During her Junior year she studied a semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France.  This was one of the most magical experiences she has had in her lifetime (thus far).  She lived with an amazing french family and painted "en plain air" in the same exact locations as Van Gogh and Cezanne.

After undergrad, Sarah moved to Savannah and received her Masters degree in Art from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Living in Savannah was also a magical experience because of its natural beauty and because she met her now husband Chris who was getting his Masters as well!  

After Savannah, Sarah has been teaching while raising two daughters Lucille and Frances. She has taught at Asheville Montessori School and the Montessori Elementary School of Asheville (art and french).  She is currently the art search at Erwin Middle School, in Bubcombe County. During the summer, she fulfills her desire to teach by offering summer camps.

Teaching Philosophy

For me, teaching art is not just about teaching kids how to draw and paint. My belief is that art class is the perfect place to encourage kids to be self-confident by way of their creativity.  It is an opportunity to teach open-mindedness by appreciating everyone's own unique style. In my classroom, we talk about creativity and individuality as part of the process in whatever project we are tackling. Aside from my underlying theme of promoting self confidence through creativity, my art class is all about experiencing as many mediums as possible, getting hands dirty, learning technique, and most importantly, having fun!

COVID-19 Protocols

Aunt Sassy's Approach To The Virus

While camp is held outdoors and I will do my best to keep each child at a safe distance from myself and from each other. I obviously cannot guarantee your child will be shielded from coronavirus.  Every family has a different lifestyle and that will be brought to camp/class. This isn't something I can control.  Sending your child to my camp/class tells me you assume that risk.  I DO NOT want anyone to get sick and it wears heavily on my conscience to host a camp/class knowing that there is risk but I also feel bad for our kids and want to provide a fun and creative experience for all of them in the safest environment I can create!

What Aunt Sassy is Doing

  • Are you feeling ok? If any child is ever feeling ill, please stay home!
  • Class/camp Size: Classes range between 6-9 students per session.
  • Masks: Masks will not be required outside but when we are inside (which will be rare, weather permitting) masks will be worn
  • Sharing: No sharing food or drinks
  • Outdoors Only: All of the activities will take place in an open-air environment, with the exception of bathroom needs.
  • Bathroom: I ask that children try to use the bathroom at home before coming to class if possible. Bathroom breaks are inevitable, and I'll make sure that only one child at a time uses the space and that the bathroom is sanitized between use.
  • Moving Air: This is a fan running to push air out from the working space to maintain good circulation.
  • Distance: The kids have separate work spaces with six or more feet of distance between them. Siblings and individuals who've had previous contact will be allowed to work near each other. Two at a time on the trampoline during break (if you do not want your child on the trampoline, please let me know)
  • Cleaning: The bathroom, working space, surfaces, and tools are sanitized after each class.
  • Hygene: We ask that kids wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after using the bathroom. There is a large bottle of hand sanitizer available and ask kids to begin the session by properly applying and periodically reapplying. We ask to be mindful of touching their mouth, face, or eyes.
  • History: Aunt Sassy respectfully asks to know if your child or family has been in contact with the someone who has the Corona Virus.


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Looking for a unique gift?

We make a lot of cool projects that the kids will take home like screen printed shirts, handmade jewelry and other cool items, but if you're looking for something Sassy that doesn't required getting the hands dirty, consider getting some useable gifts. Let us know what you're looking for!